Wellness CORE Digestive Health Large Breed Chicken & Brown Rice Dry Dog Food, 24 Pound Bag Digestive Health Supplements for Dogs, Pumpkin Patch Flavored Soft Chew, 45 Count


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Amazon.com Price: $1.00 (as of 20/12/2023 12:58 PST- Details)

Large breed dry dog food specially formulated to support digestive health: This highly digestible, adult dog food features a blend of prebiotic fibers, and guaranteed levels of probiotics to support gut health for overall wellbeing and vitality of large breed dogs. Scientifically formulated to support a healthy digestive system Supports Healthy Joints and Cartilage: Natural sources of Glucosamine & Chondroitin Sulfate support large breed dogs joint health and maintain cartilage strength.
Large breed dry dog food specially formulated to support digestive health: This highly digestible, adult dog food features a blend of prebiotic fibers, and guaranteed levels of probiotics to support gut health for overall wellbeing and vitality of large breed dogs. Scientifically formulated to support a healthy digestive system Supports Healthy Joints and Cartilage: Natural sources of Glucosamine & Chondroitin Sulfate support large breed dogs joint health and maintain cartilage strength. Contains probiotics to support their digestive health and prebiotics to support immune system activity. Plus it’s made with ginger root to support gut health function Supports Sensitive Stomachs: Probiotic-coated dog kibble made with high-quality protein from chicken, and wholesome grains from brown rice help optimize nutrient absorption and support high digestibility for large breed dogs with sensitive stomachs. Tasty pumpkin flavor in a soft chew your dog will love with ingredients recommended by veterinarians A Healthy Microbiome to Support Nutritional Benefits: Keeping the microbiome in a healthy balance supports immune health and the inclusion of protein and omega fatty acids in the kibble ensure your dog’s coat stays lustrous and soft. Made in the USA using only the finest globally sourced ingredients: Contains only premium, natural ingredients with no poultry by-products, wheat, wheat gluten, corn, artificial colors, or preservatives. Treat Them Well by adding a Wellness Digestive Supplement to their daily routine to keep them healthy and happy

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