Blog How to Help Shelter Animals Without Adopting?

volunteer feeding cats at shelter

volunteer feeding cats at shelter
Simone Wave / Stocksy
If you’re an animal lover but don’t have the time or resources to adopt a pet, you may wonder how you can help animals in need of a forever home. Fortunately, there are multiple ways that you can help, including volunteering your free time, skills, and even supplies to your local shelter. Learn about all the ways you can promote animal adoption by supporting a rescue organization in your area.

How can I help shelter animals without adopting them? 

While every animal in a shelter deserves a permanent, loving home, not every person has the means to adopt a pet. But if you’re wondering how to help animal shelters, there are plenty of ways to support your local organization as a volunteer.

So, what do animal shelters need? Volunteering your time can help provide the shelter with much-needed support. Almost every shelter needs a little extra help, whether that means cleaning kennels, walking dogs, or filing paperwork. You may even want to take on a larger job, like transporting animals to other rescues and shelters where they are more likely to be adopted.

If you’re looking for ways to help animals that can make a major impact, consider fostering a pet. Shelters are always looking for foster homes for the pets they care for, and fostering makes room for another rescued animal. On a smaller scale, simply sharing the listings and photos of adoptable pets on social media can help animals in need find loving homes.

You can also donate supplies to your local shelter, such as toys, bedding, cleaning products, and food. “Anything you can donate will help save these animals’ lives,” says Julie Sinaw, president and founder of Animal Lighthouse Rescue in New York City. “Money is most needed, but items will be very helpful as well! Reach out to the organization you’d like to donate to in order to see what they need most.”

You can also make financial donations, which can go toward promotional efforts, purchasing supplies, and even helping with animals’ medical needs.

How do you volunteer at a shelter to help animals? 

Reach out to your local rescue to find out how to help them without adopting, such as volunteering your free time. Here are just a few tasks that you may be able to do to keep your shelter running and help out adoptable animals:

  • Clean kennels, do laundry, and scrub floors to maintain a safe and healthy environment for the animals and the shelter workers.
  • Walk dogs in the shelter to provide them with outside time, exercise, and socialization, all of which can help improve their temperaments and make rescued dogs more adoptable.
  • Spend time playing with or grooming cats, so they can also benefit from human interaction and socialization.
  • Help out with shelter events, like fundraisers, adoption fairs, and other programs. Volunteers can help set up and take down equipment, provide information to the public, and work at booths.

“Go walk dogs or play with cats at your local shelter, or help work adoption events,” Sinaw says. “If you drive, many rescues need help transporting dogs to their adoptive homes or fosters.”

Can I donate to animal shelters?

Shelters often need donations of food, supplies, and other items, as well as financial donations, to keep their animals fed, healthy, and comfortable while they wait for their forever homes. Talk to your local shelter and find out what specific items you can donate, such as food, bedding, and toys, and whether there are any restrictions on the types of donations they can accept. Many organizations also have Amazon wish lists so that you can learn what to donate to animal shelters and make donations without even leaving your home.

Can I donate my professional skills to help shelters?

Shelters always need volunteers to help with various tasks, such as walking dogs, cleaning kennels, and socializing animals, but if you have any specific professional skills, you can also volunteer your expertise and knowledge to help animals find homes. For example, if you’re a photographer, you can volunteer to take professional photos of adoptable animals for the shelter’s website and adoption listings. This is a great way to give back to your community, support local animal charities, and make a difference in the lives of animals in need.

Can I help with social media promotion for shelter animals?

Talking about the importance of supporting local rescues and animal organizations with your friends, family, and neighbors, as well as sharing the profiles and photos of adoptable pets on social media, can go a long way toward helping animals find homes. The more people know about shelter animals, the more likely they are to adopt one.

How can I organize a fundraiser to benefit shelter animals?

You can work with your local shelter to organize a large fundraiser or plan your own event, like a bake sale, car wash, or walkathon, and donate the proceeds to the shelter. The money your event raises can be used to help the shelter meet the needs of the animals in their care. Just make sure to promote your fundraiser on social media and throughout the community to encourage a large turnout.

Can I advocate for animal welfare laws and regulations?

You can show your support for rescues and shelters by advocating for laws and regulations that protect animals. Contact your elected officials and let them know that you support animal welfare legislation, and look for rallies and protests that you can attend to voice your support for these issues — or organize your own rally. Get involved in your community and help make a difference for animals by sharing information on social media and promoting animal welfare throughout your daily life.

Even if you aren’t able to adopt a shelter pet yourself, there are plenty of ways you can volunteer your time, money, and skills to help your local animal rescue. From cleaning kennels to walking dogs to donating supplies, you can help ensure that the shelter has everything they need to take care of their animals and prepare them for their forever homes. Find an animal shelter near you.

Helping Animal Shelters FAQ

How can I help shelter animals without adopting them? 

You can volunteer at your local shelter to play with cats, walk dogs, or clean kennels, and make financial donations of money or supplies.

Can I volunteer at a shelter to help animals?

Yes, most shelters need volunteers to spend time with animals and help with their socialization and exercise, which can help make them more adoptable.

Can I donate to animal shelters?

Check with your local shelter to see what specific supplies they need. You can also make financial donations or help contribute to the animals’ medical expenses.

How can I organize a fundraiser to benefit shelter animals?

You can organize a car wash, bake sale, fun run/walk, or yard sale, and donate the proceeds to the shelter.

Are there specific items shelters often need?

Many shelters have Amazon wish lists or lists of items that they need and will accept as donations. Contact your local shelter to learn what items you can donate.

Can I foster animals from shelters without adopting them permanently? 

Yes, many shelters have programs that allow people to foster animals, which provides them with a temporary home and makes more room in the shelter for other animals.

Are there educational programs I can participate in to raise awareness about shelter animals?

Contact your local humane society or shelter to see if they offer any educational programs that you can participate in or help organize.


10 Ways to Help Your Local Shelter or Rescue

7 Ways You Can Help a Shelter Without Adopting

Ways to Help: Volunteering

Volunteering With AnimalSave

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Volunteers are the life force of PAWS Chicago

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