155 Dog Names Starting With P: Prodigious Names For Your Perfect Pup

a woman hugging a golden retriever puppy

a woman hugging a golden retriever puppy

Naming your new pup can be one of the most exciting aspects of becoming a dog parent, and while some may have a name in mind before they even find their ideal companion, others may still be on the hunt for the perfect name. This process may prove to be slightly overwhelming, given all the options, but that’s why we are here to help!

If you are set on choosing a name that starts with P, we have some great ideas! Whether your dog is large or small, shy, or outgoing, or if you are looking for a name with a little bit of meaning, we are certain your dog’s new name can be found on this list!


How to Choose Your Dog’s Name

Before you start perusing our list of possible name ideas, we want to share some tips on how to choose the most suitable name for your dog. After all, they are going to have it for the rest of their lives, and you will likely be calling it multiple times a day!

  • Consider choosing a two-syllable name. Monosyllabic names are typically the simplest for your dog to learn, but be careful when choosing them as they might cause confusion with other words, like their commands.
  • Include vowels like “a,” “e,” or “i” in the name. Try using one or more of the vowels in your dog’s name to give the name an appealing sound that they will respond to.
  • Try not to choose a name that sounds similar to another pet or family member’s name, as it may become confusing for both of them.
  • Consider your dog’s appearance, qualities, and personality to inspire a name. This can help break down your ideas further. For example, Pepper could be a name for a black dog or Precious for a sweet and laid-back dog.
  • Think about your favorite things in life that could be used to inspire a name, such as food or fictional characters.
  • Decide if you want to settle on a classic name or if you want to go for something a little more unique or unusual.
  • Keep breaking down your options into categories or themes to help narrow down your choices. So, in this case, the first part of narrowing down your choices is choosing a name that starts with P. From there, you can say, for example, you want a unisex dog name starting with P that suits a large breed.
  • Take your time, and don’t be in a rush! Enjoy the process, and eventually, the perfect name will come to you.
woman carrying a goldendoodle puppy dog
Image Credit: April Walker, Unsplash

Female Dog Names Starting with P

If you are simply looking for a name that starts with P for a female dog, here is a list of our favorites. Some are classic and well-known, while others are unique. Some can also be shortened to sweet nicknames, and you can personalize them by swapping out or changing one or two letters.

  • Pagan
  • Paget
  • Paige
  • Paisley
  • Pam
  • Paris
  • Patti
  • Paula
  • Pearl
  • Peggy
  • Penelope
  • Penny
  • Petra
  • Petunia
  • Peyton
  • Phoebe
  • Pia
  • Piper
  • Portia
  • Prim

Male Dog Names Starting with P

Here is our list of favorite male dog names starting with P. Many of these names can easily be shortened into a nickname, and some may even be suitable for a female or as a unisex name.

  • Paddy
  • Parker
  • Parks
  • Pascal
  • Pat
  • Patrick
  • Patterson
  • Paxton
  • Pedro
  • Penn
  • Percy
  • Perry
  • Pierce
  • Pierson
  • PJ
  • Porter
  • Post
  • Presley
  • Preston
  • Princeton
a fluffy dog lying on the grass and tilting its head
Image Credit: chrisukphoto, Shutterstock

Cute Dog Names Starting with P

 If you are looking for a cute name to match your dog’s cute personality or small size, this is the list for you. Most of these names are short and have no more than two syllables, which makes them even more suitable for your dog. Just because they are cute, that’s not to say they won’t suit your Great Dane or German Shepherd! Have.

  • Pan
  • Panda
  • Pansy
  • Patches
  • Pebbles
  • Pepe
  • Petal
  • Ping
  • Pip
  • Pixel
  • Pixie
  • Plush
  • Poe
  • Pogo
  • Polly
  • Pompom
  • Poppy
  • Precious
  • Prem
  • Princess
  • Prue
  • Pudge
  • Puffin
  • Pugsy
  • Purdy

Strong Dog Names Starting with P 

We have some epic ideas if you are looking for a strong and bold name to suit your guard dog or dog with a confident and brave temperament. These names are suitable for male or female dogs, and even if your Chihuahua or Toy Pom has a fierce attitude, a strong name may be more suitable than something short and sweet.

  • Pablo
  • Palace
  • Pandora
  • Panther
  • Pasha
  • Pegasus
  • Pegus
  • Pharos
  • Phastos
  • Phoenix
  • Pike
  • Pilot
  • Pirate
  • Pompeo
  • Pontius
  • Prada
  • Prince
  • Puma
  • Pyro
  • Python
german shepherd puppy dog sitting on the grass
Image Credit: Alexander Naglestad, Unsplash

Dog Names Inspired by Fictional Animals Starting with P 

If you love Disney and other animated films, you may be inspired to choose a name from our list of fictional animals. We all know Pluto is a solid favorite, but don’t forget the underdogs like Pongo and Perdita from 101 Dalmatians. Whether the character is a mouse, a bug, or a fellow canine, they have great names starting with P that may just be perfect for your pup.

  • P.T. (A Bug’s Life)
  • Paddington
  • Pascal (Tangled)
  • Peg (Lady and the Tramp)
  • Perdita (101 Dalmatians)
  • Perla (Cinderella)
  • Pervis (The Good Dinosaur)
  • Phillippe (Beauty and the Beast)
  • Pico (Encanto)
  • Piglet
  • Pikachu
  • Pleakly (Lilo and Stitch)
  • Plio (Dinosaur)
  • Pluto
  • Polo (Elemental)
  • Pongo (101 Dalmatians)
  • Pooh
  • Prissy (Dumbo)
  • Pua (Moana)
  • Pumba

Tasty Names Starting with P 

Dog names inspired by food always fare well since they are usually sweet and adored, just like your new dog. A common favorite is Peaches, but you could go with something unique like Porkchop or Pretzel. If this idea tickles your fancy, we have several food-inspired names that are perfectly sweet for any pup.

  • Palma
  • Pancake
  • Parfait
  • Pavlova
  • Peaches
  • Peanut
  • Pecan
  • Penne
  • Pepper
  • Persimmon
  • Pesto
  • Pickles
  • Pie
  • Pilaf
  • Pita
  • Pizza
  • Polony
  • Porkchop
  • Porky
  • Praline
  • Pretzel
  • Pringle
  • Prune
  • Pudding
  • Pumpkin
Brindle Boston Terrier dog licking lips
Image Credit: everydoghasastory,Shutterstocks

Unique Dog Names Starting with P

We all know the classic names like Pepper and Penny for dogs, and even though they are great names, you may be looking for something that’s more one-of-a-kind. So, if you want something unusual that stands out from the rest, we have a great list of unique names that start with P.

  • Paca
  • Padma
  • Panda
  • Pato
  • Paws
  • Pax
  • Paz
  • Pazzo
  • Peace
  • Pelusa
  • Pepsi
  • Phantom
  • Phara
  • Picasso
  • Pinto
  • Pirate
  • Pistol
  • Pixel
  • Plato
  • Poker
  • Polo
  • Porter
  • Prague
  • Proton
  • Pudge


Final Thoughts 

You can’t go wrong when choosing a name that starts with P! We hope you agree after perusing our list of great name ideas. They are cute, bold, classic, and quirky, and we are sure you will find inspiration for your new pup’s name somewhere on this list.  Just remember to have fun, take your time, and choose a name that you don’t mind saying repeatedly for many years to come.

Featured Image Credit: birgl, Pixabay

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