How Big Do Abyssinian Cats Get? Vet-Verified Size & Growth Chart

abyssinian cat sitting at tower

abyssinian cat sitting at tower
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The Abyssinian cat, also affectionately known as an “Aby,” is a medium-sized cat with a short coat and lean, muscular body. They’re playful and active and require lots of mental stimulation from toys and interactive play to keep them happy and healthy. But how big do these cats get?

That can be tricky to answer, as a cat’s size can be affected by factors like health problems or genetics that we don’t always know about (especially if the cat is adopted). However, we can use averages to estimate how big they’ll get and what is a healthy or unhealthy range.


Abyssinian Cat Overview

The Abyssinian is one of the oldest cat breeds and competes with the Egyptian Mau for the closest link to the Egyptian cats. Their grooming needs are minimal, they’re easy to care for, and they make wonderful additions to most any family. They’re considered to be outgoing, friendly, affectionate, and sociable. In fact, if you are out of the house a lot, it’s recommended that you get your Aby a friend, so they don’t get lonely.

They might look slim but are surprisingly heavy due to their musculature. Females tend to be finer-boned and smaller than males. Abyssinians are fully grown by a year of age and, despite their elegant appearance, will maintain a kitten-like temperament well into adulthood. These cats have a life expectancy of around 15 years, but some have been known to live into their 20s!

Abyssinian Size and Growth Chart

Abyssinian cat in the kitchen
Image Credit: Ingus Kruklitis, Shutterstock

The male Abyssinian typically weighs 8–12 pounds, while the female usually weighs about 6–9 pounds. It’s important to note that these figures are averages, and it’s possible that your cat won’t neatly fit into this chart.

As long as you have kept up with your scheduled veterinarian visits and your cat seems healthy, energetic, and playful and is eating and drinking as they should, their development is likely on track. However, it’s best to consult your veterinarian to confirm their weight and size are within healthy ranges.


Male Weight Range

Female Weight Range

Height Range
2 months 2 – 3 lbs 2 – 2.5 lbs 4 – 6”
3 months 3 – 4 lbs 2.5 – 3.5 lbs 5 – 7”
6 months 4 – 5 lbs 3.5 – 5 lbs 6 – 8”
9 months 5 – 8 lbs 5 – 6 lbs 7 – 9”
1 year 8 – 12 lbs 6 – 9 lbs 8 – 10”


When Does an Abyssinian Stop Growing?

The Aby will generally be fully grown by the time they turn one, but as we already mentioned, that doesn’t mean they will fully mature. You can expect them to act like kittens for a few years.

As your cat grows, you might notice that they seem out of proportion, which is generally because cats will reach the top end of their length and height before reaching a final weight. This can make them appear skinny at certain times, but if your vet hasn’t voiced concern about their weight, you do not need to worry.

If your vet is concerned, it might mean increasing your cat’s food intake, changing their diet, or running tests to check if a health issue could be behind it.

Factors Affecting the Size of an Abyssinian

Abyssinian cat
Image Credit: Osetrik, Shutterstock

Many factors will affect the size of your Abyssinian; some you can control, and others you can’t. Genetics, for example, plays a pivotal role, so if you have met the parents, it will give you a rough idea of how big your cat will become.

Nutrition and exercise are also crucial, as your cat will need a high-quality diet to get the right vitamins, minerals, and protein to reach their full size.

Health problems can also affect your cat’s size. Generally, Abyssinians are healthy, but they are susceptible to problems like gingivitis and tooth decay, which can affect their ability to eat.

Therefore, you must take care of their dental health by brushing their teeth and scheduling cleanings with your vet. If you are ever concerned about an issue with their teeth or eating habits, contact your vet for an examination.

Ideal Diet for Maintaining a Healthy Weight

There isn’t one diet or brand that will work for all Abyssinians and their families. So, it’s important to work with your veterinarian to determine the best diet for your cat that will fit their needs and that is easy to get and affordable for you.

With this in mind, aim for a cat food that contains whole meat as the first ingredient.  Like all cats, Abys are obligate carnivores, which means they should get their protein from animals, rather than plant sources. Whole meat ingredients will help ensure your cat gets the protein they need that is easily digestible too.

Health problems can arise from a cat that is under or overweight, so it’s crucial that you find something that is right and that your cat enjoys!

How to Measure Your Abyssinian

abyssinian cat grooming
Image Credit: Roman Zaiets, Shutterstock

The simplest way to get an accurate measurement and weight is to get it from your vet because tackling it yourself can be tricky, depending on how your cat reacts. However, there are ways to do it at home. To weigh your cat, use a scale designed for humans. Weigh yourself and then weigh yourself holding your cat. Subtract the first number from the second, and you’ll have your cat’s weight.

For their height, you might need to get someone else to help hold your cat while you measure. Use a cloth tape measure from the ground to the top of the shoulder to determine the height.



The Abyssinian is a medium-sized cat, and the males are generally bigger than the females. Many factors will affect their size, like genetics, exercise, diet, and their overall health.

The most effective way to ensure your cat is thriving is to keep up to date with scheduled vet visits and make an appointment if you feel worried about their development. It’s important to remember that our charts are averages, so if your cat doesn’t fit neatly into the averages, it doesn’t necessarily mean there is something to be concerned about.

Featured Image Credit: Darya Lavinskaya, Shutterstock

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