Blog 10 Most Popular Dog Breeds

woman snuggling with a popular dog breed

woman snuggling with a popular dog breed
Luis Velasco / Stocksy
America can’t get enough of these 10 most popular dog breeds. According to data from the American Kennel Club’s registration numbers and the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)’s survey statistics, in 2022, the most popular dogs in America were actually mixed-breed dogs! In terms of purebred dogs, the French Bulldog was crowned the most popular dog for the first time ever — dethroning the Labrador Retriever, who had held the title for a whopping 31 years. Below, you’ll find more information on each breed, including some predictable winners and a few surprises.

America’s Most Popular Pup

Mixed breed dog mutt popular pet stands in grass
Stephen Morris / Stocksy

The Mixed-Breed Dog

You might be surprised to learn that mixed dogs are the most popular breed in America — 51.3 percent of U.S. family dogs are mixed. Mixed-breed pups are often shelter dogs, and their personalities can vary widely. After their initial adjustment period after adoption, and as they start to relax in their new homes, these pups’ personalities start to emerge. Mixed-breed dogs usually don’t have the health issues purebred dogs can have and are generally more affordable in terms of an initial fee.

Top 10 Most Popular Purebred Dogs

popular brown french bulldog walking on leash
Page Light Studios / Adobe Stock

1. French Bulldog

French Bulldogs have some of the most avid fans out of all dog breeds. Many people are obsessed with this small, smushed-face dog. The French Bulldog boasts bat-like ears, a wrinkled face, alert and intelligent eyes, and a little stubby tail. These affectionate and family-oriented pups can weigh up to 28 pounds and stand as tall as 13 inches at shoulder height. French Bulldogs make great pets for city dwellers because they don’t require much exercise, though they still need daily walks and time for play. They are flat-faced, so they can struggle to breathe during vigorous exercise, which should be avoided. French Bulldogs only require a weekly brushing, and owners shouldn’t forget to clean their face folds.

popular Labrador retriever dog on stairs
Raymond Forbes LLC / Stocksy

2. Labrador Retriever

It’s unsurprising that the Labrador Retriever, nicknamed “Lab,” earned a spot on this list. The Labrador Retriever is one of the friendliest dog breeds — these pups get along with just about everyone (except maybe squirrels and other prey). They make great family companions, are patient around young children, and generally mesh well with other pets. Labs can have black, chocolate, or yellow-colored fur, weigh as much as 70 pounds, and stand up to 24.5 inches at shoulder height. They are high-energy pups who need a lot of mentally stimulating playtime, walks, and other outdoor excursions. They have double-layered, water-repellent coats, which are relatively low-maintenance and allow them to enjoy swimming and dock diving.

two golden retriever buddies
Samantha Gehrmann / Stocksy

3. Golden Retriever

Much like Labradors, Golden Retrievers also score high on sociability. They are comfortable in multi-pet homes with young children and are big cuddlebugs who prefer to be with their humans whenever possible. Golden Retrievers, originally bred as Scottish gundogs, have lots of energy that needs to be released productively through play, long walks, or runs. Their famous double-layered, water-repellent golden coats are more high-maintenance than Labs’ coats: They go through a big shedding period twice a year and also shed throughout, so they need regular brushing if you want to keep their coats long.

Popular German Shepherd dog breed
Yan Krukau / Pexels

4. German Shepherd Dogs

German Shepherds are majestic working dogs who take on a lot of different roles in our society, thanks to their high levels of intelligence. These popular pups are known as devoted dogs who will do just about anything for their owners and can grow protective and defensive of them if not trained and socialized young. German Shepherds are also famous for their wolf-like trot and high running speeds. They are one of the most high-energy dog breeds, so they need multiple hours of exercise per day, or they can grow bored or destructive. German Shepherds can weigh up to 90 pounds and stand up to 26 inches in shoulder height. They shed a little year-round and also have shedding periods twice a year and will need help with their undercoats.

popular standard poodle dog at beach
Sean McSeveney / Pexels

5. Poodles

These aristocratic-looking pups might be known as popular show dogs, but Poodles also make loving family members who are good with young children. Poodles can be three different sizes: Standard, Toy, or Miniature. Standard poodles can weigh up to 70 pounds and stand 15 inches tall at shoulder height. Poodles are a high-energy breed, no matter their size, so owners should count on devoting part of their day to long walks and play. This breed also has fur that tends to mat at the root if not brushed daily. Most owners will have their Poodle’s hair clipped short every four to six weeks to avoid this.

Two english bull dogs on grass
kkgas / Stocksy

6. English Bulldogs

The English Bulldog is an eye-catching pup with many devoted fans. These low-slung dogs, famous for their wrinkles, jowls, and muscular bodies, might look tough, but they love lazing around with their humans whenever possible. Although they only reach up to 15 inches at shoulder height, they can weigh up to 50 pounds. Bulldogs need moderate amounts of exercise, consisting of walks and playtime, and can also get bursts of energy. Because of their flat faces, Bulldogs should be kept out of the heat during high temperatures because they might have trouble breathing. Despite their short coats, Bulldogs can still shed and need regular brushing. Owners should regularly clean between their face folds because infections could develop.

Happy rottweiler dog with pet parent
Jovo Jovanovic / Stocksy

7. Rottweilers

Rottweilers, nicknamed “Rotties,” are muscular working dogs who have often served as intimidating guard dogs. Unlike the other dogs on the list, Rotties are known for being aloof and confident, so it’s a big deal when you finally win them over. Their aloofness also doesn’t apply to their family and friends, who often see their affectionate and silly sides. These big pups can weigh up to 135 pounds and stand up to 27 inches tall, making them the largest popular dog on this list. Rotties need plenty of exercise and enjoy a variety of different activities, including walking, swimming, and obedience challenges. This breed has a coarse black coat with brown accents. They need to be brushed weekly to keep their coats healthy and have occasional baths.

popular beagle dog being pet by woman
Valeria Boltneva / Pexels

8. Beagles

Beagles are popular pups and famous for being excellent hunting companions — they traveled with hunters in packs — and for having a distinct howl. Because of their pack mentality, Beagles are devoted pups happy to spend the day with their families and get along well with other pets and young children. There are technically two types of Beagles: One that stands up to 15 inches at shoulder height and one that stands under 13 inches. The taller variety of Beagle typically weighs between 20 and 30 pounds. This breed requires at least one hour of exercise per day and weekly brushing because they are prone to shedding.

popular dog dachshund
Vertikala / Stocksy

9. Dachshunds

Dachshunds are instantly recognizable, thanks to their small stature, floppy ears, little legs, and long back. They’ve got vivacious, sometimes sassy, personalities and shockingly loud barks for such little pups. Unfortunately, their distinctive back makes them vulnerable to a number of health issues, and they are a delicate breed who shouldn’t jump up or off anything to avoid injury. They still need exercise, though — at least two walks a day. Dachshunds can vary in grooming care because they can be Longhaired, Wirehaired, or Smooth-coated.

portrait of GSP popular pup stands in field
brixiv / Pexels

10. German Shorthaired Pointers

The German Shorthaired Pointer, originally an aristocratic hunting dog, is a famously friendly pup with tons of energy. This white-and-reddish-brown spotted dog has a high level of endurance, which can make them a great running or hiking companion, but it also means they need to get enough exercise, or they can grow destructive. Loving and cuddly, the German Shorthaired Pointer is a great pet for families with young children. This dog can get along with other pets but needs to be trained and socialized early on. The German Shorthaired Pointer’s coat must be brushed every few days to stay healthy.

The Most Common Dogs in Shelters

Some of the most popular dog breeds in America are also some of the breeds most commonly found in shelters. Some of the most common dog breeds found on Adopt a Pet are listed below, although note that these breeds are guesses because shelters do not often DNA test dogs:

Most common dog breeds in shelters:

Why are popular dog breeds surrendered?

Dogs, regardless of breed, are most often surrendered after they are out of their “cute” puppy stage and are entering adolescence. Nearly half (47.7 percent) of surrendered dogs were between the ages of five months and three years of age, according to a study by the National Council on Pet Population Study and Policy. And 18 percent of dogs are surrendered when they become seniors over the age of eight years old.

Pets might also be surrendered because they are not trained — 96 percent of surrendered dogs had never been to an obedience class, according to the aforementioned study — and/or are high-energy, so they become bored and destructive in the home. Many breeds commonly found in shelters are also large, working dogs who require mentally stimulating activities and aren’t content laying around the house all day and night. When adopting a dog, potential pet parents underestimate the time and care a high-energy dog requires.

When considering adopting a dog, look for a dog whose activity level, grooming requirements, and temperament are best for your family.

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