Blog And 2023’s Wackiest Cat Names Are …

wacky cat names

wacky cat names

What’s in a cat’s name?

And how do the most eccentric kitties tell their humans what to name them?

From Edgar Allen Paw to Jean Clawed Van Damme, our friends at Nationwide have compiled a hall of fame of great pet names from their members over the years, and they’ve shared the stories behind this year’s most unique and funny cat names with us.

Read on to meet the 2023 nominees, learn how each cat earned their name from their pet parents, and see this year’s winner.

The Nominees


wacky cat names

Business Cat

“I got Business Cat from a friend of a friend when he was a month old. My roommate at the time liked this webcomic called The Adventures of Business Cat by Tom Fonder, which is about a cat-human hybrid businessman navigating the corporate workplace — buying a printer for the office so he can sit in the box, for example. Our Business Cat has a handsome little mustache and goatee and looks like he’s wearing a jacket, [so] the name seemed to fit perfectly!”

—Dakota D.

Evil Twin Hissing

Evil Twin

“She was part of a set of twins, and she always looked mad — or like she was planning something malicious — and her sister always looked happy and friendly. So, they were named Good Twin and Evil Twin. She’s only social on her own terms. Once she lets you in, she’s a total love bug. She’s [also] a liquid cat, like those pictures of those cats that you see melt into large wine glasses. She’s hidden in the smallest places — including air ducts.”

—Lara W.


Green Bean Catserol

“Our friend was throwing a ‘Friendsgiving’ potluck in 2019, and it was a great evening of thankfulness and frivolity — adult beverages and all. Halfway through the evening, a tiny feral cat decided to invite herself [over] … She entered through the open front door, and all the party guests decided the host needed to keep this cat. (Did I mention that adult beverages were involved?) Ultimately, she now resides with us … it’s truly a happy ending for everyone!”

—Brianna B.

Homeboy Thumbs

“It was a cold October night in Anchorage, Alaska,” says cat mom Zoe M. She had returned from a vacation trip to find her neighbor in the driveway holding a tuxedo cat with polydactyly, a condition that causes cats to have extra toes. Zoe took the cat in for the night, but once inside, he settled in and never left. Homeboy Thumbs had found his forever home. “I started to refer to him as ‘Homeboy’ and ‘Thumbs,’ and I couldn’t pick between them — so I decided to combine the two. My cat acts like he has street cred, and it’s because he legitimately does. I have no idea how long he was out on the street for. He’s also a goofy dude…. I thought Homeboy Thumbs was the perfect mix of goofy and gangster, because that’s what he is.”

—Zoe M.

Inigo Meowtoya

“There’s a movie from the 1980s called The Princess Bride. In the movie, there’s a character called Inigo Montoya, who was orphaned when his father was killed by a six-fingered man. Inigo Meowtoya was an orphaned kitten who we rescued. We don’t know if a six-fingered man was involved, but it seems entirely possible. Turns out ‘Meowtoya’ was an apt name for little orphan Inigo, who loves to make his presence known at top volume.”

—Nissa S.

Moira Rose McMurderpants Queen Of Hearts

“She got her first name from Moira Rose from the show Schitt’s Creek. She’s sassy, fancy, and utterly ridiculous. You can’t help but love her. From there, Moira’s personality made expanding her name necessary. She needed a good family name. McMurderpants highlights her Irish heritage, her fluffy butt, and her love of — murdering … Queen of Hearts was added at the end, as she really enjoyed a good mouse head, and would leave them headless on my floor. Off with their heads!”

—Christina C.

Sir Catrick Stewart

“I liked the name “Catrick” and experimented with a few incarnations before discovering the final frontier of cat names. I’m a Star Trek fan. My wife suggested the name ‘Sir Catrick Stewart.’ I get a good laugh, compliments, and questions on how we got that name.”

—Kevin L.

Sir Woodrow Agustdus Scuttlebooty the Third, Esquire

“It took about three weeks of living with our kitten for him to tell us his name. It all started with his habit of scuttling about sideways like a crab. I called him a ‘little scuttlebutt’ as a placeholder. My eight-year-old son was scandalized by the inclusion of a ‘bad word’ in the name, even after I explained it was a real word meant for gossip … so we settled on a more kid-approved ‘Scuttlebooty’ to describe his actions.”

—Sara R.

Spicy Beef Purrito

“It took a few weeks to find a name worthy of Spicy’s big, lovable personality. She trialed a few names at first, including Baby Spice and Princess Pancake. ‘Spice’ eventually turned into Spicy, and the food theme from Princess Pancake inspired her full name.”

—Marisa B.

And The Winner Is …

Prison Mike

When it came time to name her uniquely rambunctious kitten, everything connected for Prison Mike’s cat mom Marina. “The Office is obviously the best show,” she says, “Prison Mike is a character of Michael Scott’s during the series, and my cat was born as a crazy boy … one who maybe needs a cage — or a cell — so this name fit him well.”

This unique moniker is a big hit with fellow Office fans. “If they don’t know the show, they still laugh,” Marina says, “but for those who know The Office, they immediately respond with excitement. I even won prizes at an Office-themed trivia just for showing his picture and saying his name.”

From his wacky name to his unique windowsill butt-scoot walking technique, Prison Mike is a standout kitty. It’s why Marina got the best pet insurance for her sweet boy through her workplace. She adds, “I know that sometimes there can be unexpected expenses with pets, and I’d rather feel secure and like I could take care of big things if they happen.”

—Marina F.
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