Ask Dr. Aziza: Should I Be Concerned About My Dog’s Bad Breath?

Ask Dr. Aziza: Should I Be Concerned About My Dog's Bad Breath?

Bad breath in dogs, also known as Halitosis, is a foul
odor that comes from the mouth or oral cavity. The most common cause of
halitosis is periodontal disease, which is a widespread concern in veterinary
medicine. Let’s look into some of the causes of bad breath in dogs as well as
how it can be treated and prevented in the future.

What causes bad
breath in dogs?

There are five main reasons why a dog could have bad
breath – let’s discuss each one more closely.

  • Dental
    : Plaque is a buildup of bacteria that accumulates on
    teeth. When plaque is not removed with a toothbrush it becomes harder,
    developing into calculus. As the bacteria changes during this process, it
    releases an odor-causing halitosis.
  • Funky food: Simply put,
    some food just stinks! Even if our dogs love how it tastes, bad-smelling food
    can cause bad breath in dogs – especially if the dog does not get their teeth
    brushed daily.
  • Metabolic
    Certain diseases, such as Diabetes Mellitus and Uremia,
    can cause the odor in the mouth to change into something that smells…off.
  • Non-periodontal
    oral disease:
    Dogs can develop other issues within their oral cavity,
    like masses or tumors. These can become infected, leading to a very pronounced
    and off-putting odor.
  • Skin disease: Some dog
    breeds, including Pugs and French Bulldogs, come with extra wrinkles and skin
    folds. While these features help make them into the beauties they are, moisture
    can get trapped in their skin folds, leading to skin infections. If skin
    infections occur in folds around the mouth, they can be mistakenly identified
    as halitosis.

If you notice your dog has started to develop bad breath,
your first step should be to schedule an appointment with your veterinarian to
rule out any potential health issues. Once your pup has been given a clean bill
of health, you can start to look into how you can treat their bad breath and
prevent it from returning.

How can bad breath
in dogs be treated and prevented?

Now that we have a better understanding of what causes bad
breath in dogs, let’s take a look at some of the ways that it can be treated
and prevented.

  • Toothbrushing: The best way to prevent bad breath in dogs is the most simple – toothbrushing! It’s recommended to brush your dog’s teeth twice a day but even if it only happens twice a week, consistent toothbrushing is better than no brushing at all. For tips on brushing your dog’s teeth at home, take a look at my guide for pet parents.
  • Dental
    Once plaque has formed and transformed into calculus, it
    cannot be removed with toothbrushing. The ideal treatment is to have a
    professional deep teeth cleaning, where your veterinarian will remove the
    tough, sticky calculus, and polish the teeth. Most pet parents will smell an
    immediate difference after the procedure is finished.
  • Annual and
    bi-annual exams:
    As we discussed earlier, bad breath in dogs can be a sign
    of an underlying health condition. Fortunately, consistent physical exams and
    routine wellness diagnostics, like bloodwork, will help to identify diseases
    that can cause bad breath much earlier. The earlier that a disease is
    identified, the sooner your veterinarian can begin treatment, and the better
    the prognosis.
  • Home oral
    There are a number of products on the market that do a
    great job at slowing down the progression of periodontal disease, which
    improves your pet’s breath. For recommendations of which products are right for
    your pet, speak to your veterinarian.

Bad breath in dogs can be unpleasant, but the good news is
that dealing with it is often fairly easy! By feeding your dog a high-quality
diet and getting into a regular oral care routine, you can minimize your dog’s
risk of ongoing bad breath.

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