One could say that Ona, a punky 12-year-old Yorkshire Terrier, has enjoyed a pretty bright and breezy lifestyle over the years soaking up the sun in Southern California. Lots of beach days, a comfy warm bed and a big pile of plush toys. What more could she want? Well, as it turns out, she wants…

A hunting dog from Tennessee spent three days trapped in a pit cave in Sevier County with a bear and was rescued on Wednesday, October 11. The Waldens Creek Volunteer Fire Department (WCVFD) shared a detailed report of the incident on the same day they rescued the dog, named Charlie. According to WCVFD’s Facebook post,…

Stopping the excessive barking is the key, not to stop the bark entirely. Barking is a completely normal behavior for dogs, and they bark for many different reasons: alarm, boredom, excitement, frustration, demand, play, stress. You have coping skills and strategies for your emotions: Your dog needs some, too. First, figure out context. Does he…

Teaching your dog to lie down is a practical cue because it leads to more advanced behaviors. When your dog can lie down on cue, he’ll be able to  stay on his bed or master tricks like rolling over or crawling. The sky’s the limit! Your pup will enjoy the training and your friends will…

Appropriately nicknamed the King of Terriers, the Airedale Terrier conveys this by being remarkably adaptable, talented and a confident breed. Renowned for his independent problem solving, cleverness and hard-working nature, the Airedale yet finds time for fun, and even silliness. The breed is known for both his dedication to a job and to his family….

Huskies have a lot of fur and shed twice a year, but don’t let it intimidate you: Grooming is easy if you know the secrets (hint: never shave your Husky’s coat!). Tim Vogel, CEO of dog grooming franchise Scenthound, combs through his top three Husky grooming tips. How to groom a Husky Tip 1: Never…

Turning your dog vegan is a controversial topic. But as more humans contemplate plant-based lifestyles themselves, it becomes a relevant idea for dog parents. Dr. Ilana Halperin, chief of service for Community Medicine at UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine in California, says since dogs are omnivores, it is possible for a vegan diet to…

This article has expert comment from vegan canine nutritionist Diana Laverdure-Dunetz, M.S. Dogs can have an occasional taste of your morning almond milk, as almonds are not toxic to dogs and can reduce inflammation. Look for unsweetened and unflavored varieties — a good choice lists just water and almonds as ingredients. In stores, avoid almond…

To take your dog’s temperature, use an assistant to gently restrain and keep your dog still and distracted. Apply a small amount of lube, such as petroleum jelly, to the tip of a digital rectal thermometer. Insert the thermometer approximately one inch into the dog’s rectum until you hear a beeping sound to indicate the…

If you’re looking for an impressive dog trick, don’t forget about the classic bow. This trick puts the natural dog play bow behavior on cue so you can ask your dog to bow anytime, anywhere. This playful position — elbows down on the ground, bottom in the air — is also a great stretch for your…