You’ve heard of “My dog ate my homework” as an excuse, but have you ever heard of “My dog ate my passport”? Unfortunately, that is what one couple from Massachusetts experienced a week before their dream wedding in Italy. CBS News reports that the couple, Donato Frattaroli and fiancée Magda Mazri, went to run some…

Last Updated on: August 21, 2023 by Crystal Uys Constipation is an unpleasant but relatively common occurrence in cats. It happens when cats’ poop becomes so dry and hard that it gets stuck. Cats generally have a bowel movement every 24 to 36 hours, and their poop normally contains a fair bit of moisture. Constipated…

When William Penn laid out the City of Brotherly Love, he incorporated five public squares, or parks, into the design. Today, the squares remain some of the most inviting – and dog friendly – features of this modern, bustling city. Exploring Philadelphia on a walking tour of the squares is the perfect way to spend…

If you’re thinking about bringing home a new BFF and happen to have a soft spot for white dogs, you’re not alone. Loving white dogs is a cross-cultural, cross-generational experience. While fur color doesn’t define a dog’s personality, there’s something appealing about the clean, crisp look of a white floofy coat. And white dogs stand…

Welcome to our “Untraining Your Pet” series, where we help you “untrain” your pet from those naughty or annoying bad habits and get them back to being the goodest boys and girls. Are you awakened during the night by relentless wails and open your eyes to find a small furry thing with glowing eyes staring…

You might have grown out of trick-or-treating, but that doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate Halloween! While you might think that cats are more associated with the season, dogs are also perfect companions for all your spooky adventures. Why not share your love of the day or acknowledge their October birthday with their very own Halloween…

Many cat owners enjoy allowing their feline companions to explore the great outdoors. However, keeping an outdoor kitty comes with many dangers that are often underestimated. There are health hazards and environmental concerns, so it’s crucial to consider the well-being of the pet and the local ecosystem before letting them roam free. Here’s what people…

A Staffordshire Bull Terrier is now the UK’s “first doggy midwife” for assisting her owner during labor in a hospital in Buckinghamshire, England. Belle, the two-year old Staffordshire Bull Terrier, accompanied her owner, 33-year-old Amee Tomkins, throughout her whole pregnancy journey. Belle was with Tomkins in the ambulance, intensive care, and in the labor ward…

Last Updated on: August 23, 2023 by Crystal Uys If you find yourself in a situation where your cat has brought you a mouse, it’s important not to panic. This is perfectly normal behavior for cats, even if it can be a little unsettling for us humans. Your cat isn’t trying to upset you –…

Why does it seem that when pets get sick or injured, it’s always outside of normal business hours? That means a trip to the emergency vets. And visiting these facilities is very different than scheduling an appointment with your pet’s regular doctor. With these tips you’ll be prepared when the situation arises!   Oh no…