Last Updated on: July 3, 2023 by Crystal Uys With an estimated 70 million stray or feral cats found in the United States alone, a huge population of kitties faces the cold weather season without a home to keep warm. If you’ve spotted one of these homeless felines in your area, you might wonder how…

Nothing hurts worse than seeing our pets in pain. Whether its to protect against snow and ice or rough terrain and hot pavement, a good pair of dog boots could keep your pup’s paws feeling great! We’ve tested five popular dog boots to find out which fit and work best.   Either at home or…

By Savannah AdmireIrina Polonina /StocksyAdopting a new dog into your family can be an incredibly exciting experience, and it can be tempting to pull your new pet into a big hug the first time you meet them. But many shelter dogs come from traumatic or difficult backgrounds, and even socialized dogs might not be ready…

Shiba Inus have a lot going for them; they’re smart as a whip, faithful, and very in tune with their environment, but how would they fare as guard dogs? Taking into account common Shiba Inu characteristics, these dogs are more likely to make better watchdogs than guard dogs. Read on to find out why. Watchdog…

The Splint Placement Needs to Be Correct Always work with your veterinarian to ensure your dog’s splint is placed correctly. An improperly fitted or placed splint can cause skin irritation, swelling, and injury. Your veterinarian will help select the right leg splint to make sure the splint is supporting the injured portion of your dog’s…

There are many variations of canine tumors and not all are created equal. Some tumors are less problematic for dogs, while others risk spreading throughout the body. Understanding common types of tumors, how they present and are treated, and symptoms to watch for, is essential in early treatment and intervention. Two main types of dog…

invisible invisible / Modern technology has helped improve our lives for the better. As a matter of fact, it affects almost every aspect of our present-day lives, including pet care. Thanks to technological innovations, it is now easier to train, feed, monitor, play, interact and keep our dogs safe. Besides, who doesn’t love spoiling…

Last Updated on: July 10, 2023 by Crystal Uys If you have ever watched your cat sleep, chances are that you’ve seen them do a bit of twitching due to what looks like an interesting dream. You might wonder if your cat is actually dreaming and what exactly they are dreaming about. While experts believe…

Just across the border from America’s popular (though not very pet friendly) Glacier National Park is Canada’s equally spectacular and very dog friendly Waterton Lakes National Park. Waterton is known for its chain of crystal clear lakes, cascading waterfalls and towering mountain peaks. But our favorite part is how much you and your dog can do…

By Savannah AdmirePeopleImages: Yuri A / ShutterstockYou’ve decided to adopt a dog or cat, and you’re ready to find a new pup and give them a loving home. But how do you choose the right rescue organization or shelter? Are all organizations the same? Learn how to find the best animal shelters and rescue organizations…