One could say that Ona, a punky 12-year-old Yorkshire Terrier, has enjoyed a pretty bright and breezy lifestyle over the years soaking up the sun in Southern California. Lots of beach days, a comfy warm bed and a big pile of plush toys. What more could she want? Well, as it turns out, she wants…

Click Below to Skip Ahead Sometimes referred to as a Golden Vizsla, the Golden Retriever Vizsla Mix is a hybrid dog that combines the Golden Retriever and Vizsla breeds. First bred in the 1960s in the US, the hybrid combines two high-energy dogs, which means that the Golden Retriever Vizsla Mix will need a lot…

Stopping the excessive barking is the key, not to stop the bark entirely. Barking is a completely normal behavior for dogs, and they bark for many different reasons: alarm, boredom, excitement, frustration, demand, play, stress. You have coping skills and strategies for your emotions: Your dog needs some, too. First, figure out context. Does he…

Andrey Pavlov / StocksyIf you’re looking for a dog who can double as a household companion and running buddy, it’s important to consider the dog’s athletic ability carefully. While most dogs love to run and play, many dogs aren’t bred to run long distances. Of course, plenty are up to the challenge, and we rounded…

Click Below to Skip Ahead A combo of the Vizsla and Weimaraner, the Vizmaraner is a unique designer breed. Both parent breeds were bred for hunting and tracking, so it’s no surprise that the Vizmaraner loves the outdoors. These dogs often combine the size and loyalty of the Weimaraner with the intelligence and energy of…

This article has expert comment from vegan canine nutritionist Diana Laverdure-Dunetz, M.S. Dogs can have an occasional taste of your morning almond milk, as almonds are not toxic to dogs and can reduce inflammation. Look for unsweetened and unflavored varieties — a good choice lists just water and almonds as ingredients. In stores, avoid almond…

The animal motion capture actor for Cain the dog in the game Red Dead Redemption 2 has passed away, his owner confirmed. The real-life canine for Cain, whose real name was Einstein Barnes, passed away at the age of 13 earlier this month. Einstein’s owner, Jason Barnes, InXile Entertainment’s Animation Director and also a Red…

By Savannah AdmireMelanie DeFazio / StocksyA playful, cuddly kitten can be the perfect addition to your family, whether you already have other pets or are just starting out as a pet parent. But before you pick out a kitten at your local shelter or rescue, make sure you have all the cat essentials for a kitten…

Click Below to Skip Ahead The Persian and the Ragdoll are two beloved breeds, so it makes sense that they would inevitably be crossed. The result of this breeding is the Persian Ragdoll cat mix, which is a medium to large cat known for its gentle, loving personality. The Persian Ragdoll cat mix can thrive…

Teaching your dog to lie down is a practical cue because it leads to more advanced behaviors. When your dog can lie down on cue, he’ll be able to  stay on his bed or master tricks like rolling over or crawling. The sky’s the limit! Your pup will enjoy the training and your friends will…