Last Updated on: June 15, 2023 by Crystal Uys If you’ve ever owned a cat, you’ve probably noticed them staring at you unwaveringly at some point or another. Cats are unique creatures with several unique behaviors, so their staring isn’t surprising in the least. We don’t know exactly why cats stare, but there are many…

Surrounded by water on three sides, Washington’s Olympic Peninsula is a study in opposites. The silence of the moss-covered woodlands contrasts sharply with the roaring wind and crashing surf of the beaches. Each has their own beauty, and both are beyond words. Combined, they make the Olympic Peninsula an amazing place to visit with dogs!…

By Savannah AdmireJayalekshman SJ / UnsplashMany animals are associated with specific superstitions and myths, but perhaps none so much as the black cat. From their frequent presence in Halloween decorations to the North American belief that one of these felines crossing your path means bad luck, black cats often have a reputation for being spooky, mysterious,…

The thought of fleas and ticks crawling all over your dog probably makes your own skin crawl. These tiny bloodsuckers can spread disease and give your dog (and the rest of your household) the itchy-scratchies. They’re tenacious little parasites, but you can have a flea- and tick-free dog (and house) with year-round preventatives. Here we…

Are you ready to discover the ultimate dietary duo that will change your life? Look no further than turnips and rabbits! These two foods may seem like an unlikely pairing, but they offer a plethora of nutritional benefits that can improve your overall health. You might be skeptical at first, thinking that turnips are just…

The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research. Learn more » Following graduation, vets are qualified to examine, diagnose, and treat any species of animal that enters their consultation room, whether it be a cat, dog, hamster, cow, or horse. In most cases, vets will choose to “specialize” in small…

A quick guide to determine what size Walkin’ Wheels dog wheelchair frame and wheel size is right for your pet. You will need to know your dog’s weight as well as their rear leg height measurement. Measure your dog’s rear leg height with them lying on their side (never standing). Use our SureFit® Calculator for…

Whether your dog simply had a battery in his mouth or fully ingested it, Dr. Anna Robinson, a small animal veterinarian in Texas, says to take swift action. The first thing to do is to flush the dog’s mouth out with tepid water, then call your veterinarian. “Depending on the age and type of the…

slowmotiongli / No two dogs are alike – all our furry friends have features that differentiate them from each other. For example, dogs with dreadlocks. Everywhere they go, these dogs always turn heads for their unique appearance thanks to their prominent dreadlocks. For us hoomans, we call them “dreadlocks”, but in the doggo world,…

Last Updated on: June 21, 2023 by Crystal Uys If you’ve just moved or recently adopted a cat, and you’re looking for some vets to take them to for their checkups and medical emergencies, there are some surefire ways to determine if a vet is good for you and your feline. We’ve compiled this step-by-step…