The first time a dog owner hears about dog wheelchairs, might because their dog has become paralyzed or is having a hard time getting around. And that can mean a lot of unanswered questions. Here are some of the more common questions that pet parents have about dog wheelchairs and how they work: Why do…

Kristina Lotz Kristina Lotz has been a writer on all-things animal for over a decade. A former CPDT-KA dog trainer, she has competed in agility, herding and rally with her dogs. Now, she clicker trains her horse! Follow life on her farm @MeridaTheBitless. Source link

Getting one dog to smile and sit still for a photo can be challenging, but imagine being able to get not one, but over THIRTY dogs to smile and sit still for a photo? That’s exactly what Jose Soares did that got him the grand prize for Nextdoor’s 2023 #LoveYourNeighborhod Photography competition. According to PEOPLE,…

My childhood is filled with memories of watching poor Tom’s never-ending pursuit of clever Jerry and Speedy Gonzales outsmarting Sylvester’s every new hunting trick. These iconic cat-and-mouse duos have contributed to the enduring idea that cats will do anything to catch their precious prey. But as a fervent cat lover, I know that in real…

Visiting Annapolis with pets is fascinating–though a little challenging. But don’t worry! We’ve got all the information you’ll need to plan a trip that’s fun for everyone.   Annapolis is one of those romantic, waterfront towns that people flock to for long weekends away from the hustle and bustle – and for good reason! It’s…

Though they have unique needs and challenges, most hairless cat breeds are affectionate, loyal, and fun. While some cats have a naturally occurring gene mutation that creates the condition, others are bred for it in ways that can cause health problems as the bloodline shortens, or because their hairlessness makes them more susceptible to skin…

Dogs are always considered man’s best friends. Ever wonder why? The answer to this question is very evident as they offer unconditional love and support which helps in reducing our stress levels, anxiety, and depression. Having a dog is already a blessing to one since they teach you to live a meaningful life.  Studies have…

Welcome to our Peculiar Pet Facts series, where we investigate the oddities of our pets and explore the science behind them. Does your dog wag their tail when you’re laughing? Do they put their head on your lap when you’re upset? Do they start looking sheepish and slinking away when you sternly ask, “Did you…

Blue French Bulldog are an intriguing and sought-after dog breed known for their distinctive blue coat color. In this blog post, we will delve into the origins and history of French Bulldogs, explore the emergence of the Blue French Bulldog variation, and unravel the genetic factors behind their blue coat color. We will also discuss…

Cats have been a part of human civilization for thousands of years. The ancient Egyptians, for example, worshipped cats and believed them to be sacred animals. They were even mummified and buried with their owners. But how did cats become domesticated, and how did they evolve into the many different breeds we know today? The…