Lyme disease and dogs—something you need to consider if you live in or are traveling to parts of the country where deer ticks are found. But don’t worry. We have all the info you need to protect your dog!   How Dogs Catch Lyme Disease Lyme disease is caused by a bacterium that is carried…

By Lindsay Hamrick, CPDT-KASeriously, you can donate to shelters just by shopping! Courtesy of Stray Cat Alliance The second annual Amazon Pet Deals Days are May 2-3, and there isn’t a more worthy recipient for a just because gift than your local animal shelter. The cats and dogs who are patiently waiting for forever homes are the…

They say that age is just a number. Well, this can’t be any more true when it comes to animals like dogs. While puppies are often the first choice of first-time dog owners, the senior ones are just as deserving of a new home. In fact, a senior dog has several amazing benefits you may…

Do you have a chubby cat who likes to finish everyone else’s meals (sometimes before they’re done eating)? Do you dream of a dog door that will automatically open early in the morning so you can sleep in? If you answered yes to these questions, we have some good news — your pet’s microchip can…

Hamsters are cute, cuddly and make great pets, but did you know that they also require a natural habitat to thrive? As a responsible pet owner, it is important to create an environment that mimics your hamster’s natural habitat. In this article, we will guide you through the process of creating a natural habitat for…

🐶 Why Chaining Dogs is a Big No-No! 🚫 Hey, there animal lovers! We’re here to talk about something serious – chaining dogs. While some pet owners may think it’s harmless, it’s actually one of the most inhumane things you can do to a furry friend. Not only is it cruel, but it can also…

With their floppy ears, big, soulful eyes, and luxurious fur, Cocker Spaniels are widely regarded and loving and friendly dogs. Unfortunately, research from Spain suggests that the Cocker Spaniel may be more aggressive than other dogs. Let’s probe the data further to get a better idea of the research around Cocker Spaniel aggression and what…

Just as is the case with other types of products, Freshpet finds that there are a wide variety of myths relating to vet recommended dog foods on the market. At Freshpet, we know that pet parents want to take a more fact based approach when purchasing products for their dogs, taking into consideration factors such…

National Kids and Pets Day is a pet holiday dedicated to celebrating the friendships we form with the first dogs, cats and other pets whose paw prints forever left their impression on our heart. What Day is National Kids and Pets Day? National Kids and Pets Day is celebrated every year on April 26. This…

There are three types of Bulldogs, English, American, and French Bulldogs. In this article, we will be focusing on the English Bulldog. The English Bulldog is a sweet, dependable dog breed that makes a wonderful addition to the family. As with all dog breeds, Bulldogs are predisposed to certain health conditions and mobility problems. Joint…