When it comes to unique and captivating French Bulldog color variations, the Lilac Fawn is a highly sought-after and visually stunning option. In this fact-checked and comprehensive article, we delve into the world of Lilac Fawn French Bulldogs, exploring their origin, characteristics, care requirements, and more. Get ready to uncover all the fascinating details about…

Dogs have been companions to humans for thousands of years, serving as faithful friends, protectors, and working partners. Over time, humans have selectively bred dogs to create different breeds with distinct characteristics. However, not all dog breeds have survived to the present day. Some dog breeds have gone extinct, lost to history but leaving behind…

As one of the smallest dogs, the Pug is also the epitome of friendliness and fussiness, having a massive following of enthusiasts worldwide. They were popular lap dogs with modern celebrities and royalty in the 18th century, although their appearance was much different back then. Besides the typically black, bridle, apricot, or fawn-colored canine, a…

National Dog Mom’s Day is just around the corner and there’s no better time to celebrate the special bond between you and your furry friend. To make this special day memorable, we’ve put together a list of different ways you can celebrate with your dog or other dog moms in your life. Get other dog…

Best known for their hunting skills, Coonhounds are also known for capturing the heart of everyone they meet.  In fact, the breeds are so beloved that they are even celebrated with their own pet holiday– Coon Dog Day! What, Where and When is Coon Dog Day? Those who are doggedly devoted to the Coon Dog…

You might need to carry, lift, or pick up your dog for countless reasons. Whether it’s to help your dog get into the car, lift them onto the veterinarian’s exam table, or even snuggle. Regardless of your dog’s size or age, most likely, you will need to pick them up at some point. The key…

You may have heard dogs born in 2020 called pandemic puppies or dogs. These dogs developed behavioral issues related to growing up on lockdown. If this describes your dog, he may need help navigating a world outside COVID lockdown, since he did not get to socialize with other dogs during that important formative time. This…

A man in Colorado attempted to avoid a DUI arrest on May 13, Saturday after trying to switch places with his dog who was in the passenger seat. The incident happened on the late night of May 13 in Springfield, Colorado. According to the Springfield Police Department (SPD), they conducted a traffic stop after observing…

Last Updated on: May 15, 2023 by Crystal Uys When our cats talk to us in their language, it’s human nature to mimic it. After all, we can mock what we hear, unlike many species. But when our cats hear us meow, is it a recognizable thing? Or rather, is it like trying to repeat…

The Thousand Islands Region of Ontario is an archipelago of more than 1,800 islands in the St. Lawrence River. Straddling the border of the U.S. and Canada, it’s a playground for outdoor enthusiasts and a fantastic pet friendly destination!   Before the start of each summer, our family asks the very same question: Where should…