Veterinarians, vet technicians, practice managers, rescuers, behaviorists, nutritionists, trainers, volunteers, and other animal professionals are the backbone of pet ownership. Helping pets and their families live in harmony and health together. We want to highlight some of these underrated champions of the animal world. Who we like to refer to as Heroes of The Pet…

For pet owners, the winter season is another opportunity to cuddle their furry friends and keep them closer all day long. Not to mention, the shorter days and longer nights during this season also make the whole atmosphere peaceful. However, just like humans, pets also need some good care during winter to stay healthy and…

Cat owners know that there are just some non-negotiable smells that come with being a fur parent. However, just because your kitty uses a litter box daily doesn’t mean they have to smell like one, too. Cat colognes are fantastic for cutting back on those offensive pet-related odors while also providing your kitty with healthier,…

The German Shepherd is one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. It is a popular working dog, used by police, armed forces, and even in therapy and caring settings. And its loving, attentive, trainable nature, also makes it a good choice as a family pet. However, they do need a lot of…

An “incredibly vicious” bait dog that has been abandoned in the jungle along with her five puppies gets a second chance in life. Niall Harbison, the CEO of Happy Doggo, shares the story of Britney Spears – a dog he rescued in Thailand two years ago. “She had been used for fighting or possibly as…

Hi, I’m Christopher! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my silly Russian Blue cat, Olga. Ignoring your cat is often necessary when working, talking on the phone, or making dinner. Typically, most cats aren’t fond of what they consider neglect and are not shy about expressing frustration. Several years ago, my Siamese cat learned…

We love to feast ourselves each time a celebration happens in our house or if there is a grand festival. Our beloved pets also see this as a great opportunity to devour everything tasty they could find. While it is hard for a pet owner to resist their pet’s pleading eyes, feeding table scraps to…

High-value dog treats are an indispensable tool to have on hand when you begin training your dog. The reason is simple: your dog will be much more motivated to perform the actions you’re asking them to if the reward they’re receiving in return is special and delicious. However, if you’re not sure what your dog…

The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research. Learn more » Yikes! You just got home and discovered your dog had a party in the bathroom trash can. On closer inspection, your dog might have eaten a tampon. Is it time to panic? What to Do if Your Dog Swallows…

The family of the late French actor Alain Delon has overruled his wish to have his dog be put down and buried with him. The family’s refusal to put down Loubo, Delon’s healthy 10-year-old Belgian Malinois, came after a massive outcry from animal rights activists, The Daily Mail UK reports. The Guardian reveals that Delon…