Hi, I’m Allison. Read my introduction to learn more about me and my three mixed-breed dogs from Thailand, Jelly, Lorraina, and Manic. As many of you know, we live in a three-dog household. And as much as I would love for each of the dogs to have their own room, that is not possible. So, we have…

A heartbreaking incident of a dog owner abandoning its loyal dog on the road in Long Beach, California was caught on camera, and a woman decides to step up and rescue the pooch. According to The Daily Mail, the whole incident was recorded by a food delivery driver behind the owner of the dog in…

Hi, I’m Christopher! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my silly Russian Blue cat, Olga. Although some of them were mummified and buried with their owners, cats in ancient Egypt generally led privileged lives. The pharaohs’ felines had servants to care for them, and some Egyptian deities, like Bastet, were cats. You probably don’t…

  Seeing your cat ready to welcome her new kittens is always a joyful experience. Also, if you are a first-time cat owner, you may have several doubts regarding the well-being of a pregnant feline. Since, this is a phase where cats need extra care, comfort and love from their owners. In this blog, you…

Owning a cat can be frustrating, amazing, and sometimes hilarious. But it’s also full of dealing with litter boxes and litter—definitely one of the negatives! Still, it’s unavoidable, and one way to make the best of it is to get various accessories that will make the whole process easier. So, here are our top picks…

Hi, I’m Savanna! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my spunky Chihuahua mix, Penny. Dogs can really get up to some crazy antics, and Penny is no exception. She’s always doing the craziest things that keep me entertained. Most of the things she does, I don’t think she has any idea that they’re funny…

Welcome to the Dogington Post’s “The Weekly Roundup” where we scour the internet for the funniest posts about our furry friends. To start the year, we present you funny dog posts from May 12 to May 18 that will paws-itively make you through the rest of the week! If you’re having a ruff day, then…

The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research. Learn more » Hi, I’m Dr. Lauren! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my two adventurous cats, Pancake and Tiller. We all need somebody to lean on, croons the famous earworm by Bill Withers. And it’s true—at some point, or at…

Dog breeding has a tarnished reputation among many people today, unfortunately. They feel dog breeders are irresponsible puppy-making machines who don’t care about the general wellness of dogs. However, this is far from the truth. Responsible breeders are not the reason why shelters are full of puppies. Puppy mills often practice irresponsible breeding and prioritise…

Tuxedo cats have one of the coolest coat patterns on the planet. This color pattern is distinctive, and it makes some people wonder if tuxedo cats are smarter than cats with other coat patterns. While it may sound plausible, no scientific evidence proves tuxedo cats are smarter than any other cat. Let’s learn more about…